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General Information

Course Title: Physical Principles of Energy Sources
Course Registration Number: PHYS 3400  
Semester Offered: Spring 2023 
Class Time: MW 4:00 pm - 5:20 pm. 
First Class: Wed, 18th January 2023 
Last Class: Wed, 26th April 2023
Final Examination: 5:00 pm -- 7:00 pm, Wednesday, 3 May, 2023 as per University examination schedule 
Project Deadline: TBA 
Holidays: As per University calendar 
Classroom: MH4012 Map 

Course Text: None. Class notes will be provided. Some additional references are listed below. 
1. Energy and the environment, 2nd Edition, Robert A. Ristinen and Jack J. Kraushaar, John Wiley, (2006). 
2. Renewable Energy: Its physics, engineering, use, environmental impacts, economy and planning aspects, 3rd Edition, Bent Sorensen Elsevier Academic Press, (2004).